To begin with, I would like to say that you should not be late. Although it is believed that a girl should do this, it is better to come on time. After all, your new acquaintance is the same person, he was preparing for the meeting, now he is nervous and waiting. Why make him worry once again?
Next, it should be noted that you should not be too shy and close up. It's very difficult to be open and frank now. But excessive shyness sometimes repels. You can't say a word, turn your gaze away and fall into a stupor – he will just get bored;
Pay special attention to manners. When communicating, watch your facial expressions and body movements. Too loud laughter in response to his jokes or an outstretched proud chin repels. A modest smile and open interest in the eyes - always touched the guys to the quick.
This is as far as behavior is concerned. But more often girls are more concerned about how to look at the first rendezvous. We will write about this below.
Girls' clothes for a date: what is better to wear?
Girls, having received an invitation, begin to think what to choose from clothes, what hairstyle to do. Opening the closet, they frantically sort through things, believing that the success of the meeting will depend on this. Dozens of layers of varnish and makeup are applied to all possible skin surfaces. But maybe it's not worth doing.
Of course, you need to be well-groomed and combed, you can wear a beautiful dress, but don't overdo it. Try to be yourself, because then he will have to see you without glued eyelashes and false nails. Therefore, of course, prepare yourself, but do not forget that it is more important to make a spiritual impression, to find common ground than just to throw dust in your eyes.
Besides, naturalness is in fashion today. If you want to look neat, it's enough to apply discreet makeup that hides minor facial defects and arrange your hair so that they emphasize the advantages or hide the disadvantages.
From clothes "with a bang" there are always simple dresses and skirts, tight jeans and low heels. Such an image seems to say to a man: "I have nothing to hide, it will be easy and interesting with me."
Do I need to kiss and when?
And of course, the most exciting moment is the kiss. Girls and guys are anxiously wondering how this will happen and when?
There are no obligations in this case. Even if a guy generously treated in a cafe, took him to the cinema and escorted him home - you can just say goodbye in words.
Another thing is when you like this man so much that you feel the need to touch him. Of course, you shouldn't lash out, but you can hint:
Look into the eyes when communicating. If you turn away, he will decide that you are not interested in him;
Overcome the barrier of touch - lightly touch your shoulder or arm at the right moment. The movements should be light, non-intrusive, but speaking;
Take a look at his lips. Don't look closely, of course, but occasionally lower your eyes to them.
Or act decisively – just ask for a kiss. In general, everything is in your hands, if you want to kiss - kiss, no - put it off until better times.
Hi. This is a very interesting post and I would also like to note that on the other hand, namely on the part of a man, it is also very important to understand that a girl is attracted and in love. Great advice on this can be found on this official website of the popular dating service, so if anyone is interested in this, I will be glad that these tips for a better romantic relationship can help you.